Below has frequently asked question that have been received through our Contact Us page and via email. Below should answer any questions that you may have regarding receiving Paws 4 A Cure's assistance.
A: Paws 4 A Cure is an all-volunteer organization, so there are no set hours. Paws 4 A Cure is unable to provide inbound/outbound phone calls. However, most all answers to your questions can be found on our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page. We encourage you to read below.
A: Our President & Founder creates online fundraising pages, creates posts on social media to generate funds, set up a booth at events and sits outside stores selling Paws 4 A Cure merchandise to raise funds. Keri volunteers all of her time before and after her full-time job during the week and on the weekends to Paws 4 A Cure to help those in need. She has not paid herself a penny since she created Paws 4 A Cure.
A: Please visit our Ask For Help page to apply for financial assistance.
Q: Do you help animals in my state?
A: Paws 4 A Cure helps dogs and cats throughout the United States (including Puerto Rico & Guam).
Q: Why do you only help dogs and cats?
A: Paws 4 A Cure is a small 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization that provides assistance for dogs and cats throughout the United States. Although we wish that we could, we're just not able to help all animals.
Q: Will you help my 10 year old Pit bull?
A: Paws 4 A Cure does not discriminate against breed, age, weight or diagnosis.
Q: Do you help with ACL issues, anal gland issues, cancer, ear infections, etc...
A: Paws 4 A Cure provides financial assistance for all illnesses and injuries.
Q: Do you pay for spaying/neutering or vaccinations?
A: Paws 4 A Cure does not pay for routine care. Please visit our Helpful Resources page for additional financial assistance organizations.
Q: What is routine care?
A: Routine veterinary care is classified as spaying/neutering, vaccinations, parasite control, and routine dental care.
Q: What is routine dental care?
A: Routine dental care includes dental cleaning with anesthesia, and may include extractions, as needed for the treatment of tartar, plaque & gingivitis. Non-routine dental care refers to the treatment of atypical dental conditions, such as fractured teeth, abscesses and oral masses.
Q: Do you pay for euthanasia and cremation?
A: No, Paws 4 A Cure pays for treatment of illnesses and injuries only.
Q: Why do you need a diagnosis before I can apply for assistance?
A: Your dog or cat must be in the care of a veterinarian for the illness or injury. The veterinarian must have a treatment plan in place before you apply for assistance.
Q: What are diagnostics?
A: Diagnostics are tests, x-rays, bloodwork, MRI, CT scan, etc. to diagnose an illness or injury.
Q: Do you pay for medication?
A: Yes, for prescription medication for illnesses or injuries. Excludes flea, tick and monthly heartworm medication. We do not pay for food.
Q: Will you pay for a wheelchair for my dog?
A: Yes, Paws 4 A Cure will assist with the cost of a wheelchair and other medical equipment.
Q: How long does the application process take?
A: Once the application and all of the required documentation are received by the applicant and treating veterinarian, the case file is reviewed. You will receive a response within 24 hours.
Q: Do you only help low income families?
A: No, Paws 4 A Cure helps those that can prove true hardship.
Q: Why do you need information on all people living in my home?
A: Paws 4 A Cure needs proof of hardship for all adult members of the family to establish financial need.
Q: How is my information protected?
A: You can rest assured that your personal and financial information is safe as all submitted documentation is secured and is accessed only by Paws 4 A Cure staff involved in the application process. All documents are shredded when no longer required.
Q: Do you share my information?
A: No, Paws 4 A Cure does not share any personal information provided.
Q: If I have received assistance in the past, can I apply for assistance again?
A: Each application is reviewed on a case by case basis.
Q: Why won't you reimburse me for veterinary bills that I have already paid or pay my outstanding veterinary bill?
A: Paws 4 A Cure cannot pay for charges incurred prior to the acceptance of an application. And, Paws 4 A Cure will not remit payment to individuals; we will only pay directly to a veterinary office.
Q: Will you accept email requests for financial assistance?
A: No. Please visit our Ask For Help page to apply for financial assistance.
Q: I applied for assistance. Why haven't I heard back from anyone?
A: You will receive an email acknowledgment within 24
hours of receipt of your required documentation for yourself and for all members of
your household that are over 18 years of age. If all of the required
documentation is not received within 72 hours of your online application, your application will move from Incomplete to Closed status. You will have to reapply
for assistance. If you emailed or faxed your documentation, we make every effort to respond back to applications within 12 hours of receipt. Please check your spam folder. If a response is not in your inbox or spam folder, please email [email protected].
Q: Why do I need to share the fundraising page that you created for my dog/cat with my family, friends and news media?
A: If the application is approved, the applicant must supply a photos of their dog or cat and their story for a fundraising page to be created by Paws 4 A Cure. The fundraising page is a crucial part of the ability to finance, in part, the approved applicant's dog or cat. Each approved applicant is to fundraise for their dog or cat's care by sharing the fundraising page that Paws 4 A Cure creates for them to bring in much needed funds so that we can continue to help those in need. If the requirements are not received, Paws 4 A Cure is unable to fundraise for the applicant’s dog or cat therefore, no payment will be released and you will be responsible for the charges. If you are in need of additional funding above the grant amount, you should reach out to your local news media to reach a larger audience.
Q: Why do you not help more dogs and cats?
Paws 4 A Cure processes applications once all of the required documentation is received. Unfortunately, 1 out of 20 applicants complete the application process.
Q: Where do the funds come from to pay for the veterinary care?
A: The funds come from generous donations from the public. Paws 4 A Cure works very hard year-round to generate contributions.
Q: Do you receive government grants?
A: No, Paws 4 A Cure does not receive any government grants.
Q: Is my donation tax deductible?
A: Yes, your donation is tax deductible. Paws 4 A Cure is a public, nonprofit organization recognized as tax-exempt under Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(3).
Q: Does your staff get paid?
A: No, Paws 4 A Cure is an all volunteer nonprofit organization. All of the day-to-day functions are handled by our President & Founder that has never paid herself a penny since Paws 4 A Cure was created in 2008. Events are also run by volunteers as well.
Q: I have a business and would like to have a benefit to help Paws 4 A Cure, how do I go about helping?
A: We are so thankful for those individuals and businesses that want to help Paws 4 A Cure. Please complete the event form.
Q: How can I spread the word about Paws A Cure?
A: Visit the Paws A Cure Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages to share and retweet your Facebook, Twitter and Instagram followers about Paws 4 A Cure.
Q: Are there other ways that I can help?
A: Yes, please visit our How You Can Help page to learn more.